Saturday, August 16, 2008

Are You There, God? It's Me, Ethan.

Ethan has a little plastic ipod he carries around as if it were a cell phone.

If he's awake, the device is almost glued to his ear. On it, he talks to all sorts of people:

Hi Nanna...Hey Uncle Chris...Hi Paw get the picture.

The other day I caught him - sippy cup in one hand, plastic ipod in the other - just talking away.

"Ethan, are you talking to Daddy?"

"No ma'am."

"Are you talking to Nanna?"

"No, Mom."

"Well, who are you talking to?"


Bless ya!


BKicklighter said...

There you are - I've been missing you.

Cuz said...

Hey,Amy, Cuz Molly here. Long time!
As you know, I've been in touch with Chris. What a great guy! Sounds like you are so very,very busy and really lovin' it! I'm so happy for you. got this website from your Dad. My first blog I've visited. God bless you! Email me, if and when you have the time!
Love, Cuz